Commerz Real Corporate history

Getting together

Commerz Real

The starting point of today’s Commerz Real AG was 2007. At that time, the Commerzbank subsidiaries Commerz Grundbesitz Gruppe (CGG, founded in 1992), Wiesbaden, and CommerzLeasing und Immobilien AG (CLI, founded in 1995), Düsseldorf, merged.

This merger has resulted in a leading real estate asset manager and provider of leasing and investment solutions. The merger brought two complementary business models together and served to implement a common growth strategy. Commerz Real combined the strengths of two successful companies established in their respective markets. The pooled product diversity was one of the merger’s advantages. This has made us a strong partner for retail investors, commercial and public customers as well as institutional investors from Germany and abroad.

Our history arranged by product

Foundation stone laid in 1972


On 7 April 1972, hausInvest issued its first shares. In less than six months, around 1.5 million shares worth the equivalent of 36.3 million euros were placed. In the first year, the fund’s assets amounted to 53 million euros and there were 750 investors. The start of a success story that today, 52 years later, grew to 17 Mrd. billion euros.
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Übersicht: Es wird eine Panoramasicht über die Immobilie Omniturm in Frankfurt am Main abgebildet
Windrad aus Vogelperspektive mit Nebel

Pioneer since 2020


In November 2020, Commerz Real launched klimaVest, the first impact fund for retail investors which invests in tangible assets in a focused manner. During its term, it is expected to build a portfolio consisting of investments in renewable energy generation, sustainable infrastructure, mobility and forestry assets. By the start of 2023, it had already received more than 1 billion euros from over 16,000 investors.  
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Reliable since 1969

Equipment leasing

As a manufacturer-independent leasing provider of the Commerzbank Group, we have been a valued partner of German SMEs for over 50 years. The company was established in Düsseldorf in 1968 and has since grown with market demands over the decades.
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Mobilienleasing Keyvisual
Solarpark Tordesillas, Spanien

Specialist for entrepreneurial investments

Commerz Real Fonds Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH

Within the Commerz Real Group, Commerz Real Fonds Beteiligungsgesellschaft (CFB) is the specialist for the design, distribution and management of corporate participations launched before 22 July 2013. It continues to be responsible for managing the 185 CFB funds it has already issued. 
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Seizing opportunities since 2014

CFB Invest

In March 2014, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) granted Commerz Real KVG permission to operate the business. This includes the management of closed-ended retail AIFs and closed-ended and open-ended special AIFs. 
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Emirates Boeing 777-300ER
Ein grünes und nachhaltiges Gebäude

Breaking new ground since 2000 


Commerz Real has been investing in infrastructure assets for more than 20 years focusing on the three segments of transport & mobility, grid-connected infrastructure and energy generation. In total, Commerz Real has successfully completed more than 80 transactions across all three segments. With a transaction volume of around seven billion euros, it is one of the largest German asset managers in this segment. In recent years, transactions have focused on renewable energies. Here, Commerz Real manages more than 50 solar power plants and – excluding the Klimavest portfolio – fourteen onshore and offshore wind farms. Their total rated output is over 1 gigawatt. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), this corresponds to the average output of one nuclear power plant.   
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