Overview of our reports Downloads

Recent Whitepapers, Reports and more

In our download area we offer our current white papers, mandatory publications, background reports and much more for convenient download. If something is missing or you have a specific enquiry, please contact us using the contact form.
German version

Whitepaper - Changing the world of work                                

Es werden in einer Collage unterschiedliche Baumaterialien dargestellt.

Whitepaper - the Culture of conversion                                                                    


Whitepaper - the future of managing real estate


Reports and further informations

In our download area we offer our current white papers, mandatory publications, background reports and much more for convenient download. If something is missing or you have a specific enquiry, please contact us using the contact form.

Code of Conduct Commerz Real AG

Ein dunkelhaariger Mann in einem dunkelblauen Hemd und einem grauen Cardigan richtet sein Blick auf die Blondine in einem hell-blauen Cardigan, welche auf den Bildschirm mit dem Finger zeigt; die beiden sitzen im Restaurant am Holztisch vor zwei Laptops und dem farbigen Tortendiagramm auf dem Tisch.

Remuneration Report
