Legal notice

Commerz Real AG


Commerz Real AG
Friedrichstraße 25
D-65185 Wiesbaden

Tel.: +49 611 7105-0
Fax: +49 611 7105-5410


Represented by the board:

Henning Koch (CEO)
Dr. Nicole Arnold
Christian Horf
Dirk Schuster

Registered in the commercial register
of the district court of Wiesbaden under HRB 30420

VAT ID: DE 811286269

Supervisory board:

Thomas Schaufler (Chairman)

supervisory authority

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht

Graurheindorfer Straße 108
D-53117 Bonn

Marie-Curie-Straße 24-28
D-60439 Frankfurt am Main

Responsible for the contents of this Internet presentation:

Orsolya Visnyei-Lommel
Friedrichstraße 25
D-65185 Wiesbaden