Renewables More than an asset class.

Renewable energy

Our driving force for tomorrow

EU-wide climate neutrality by 2050: achieving this goal requires annual investments of around 260 billion euros². German savings deposits alone total 1,762 billion euros – almost seven times as much.

Commerz Real wants to fill this gap: as an expert in tangible assets, our focus in the area of renewables is on plants for generating renewable energies.

Commerz Real Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH and Commerz Fund Management S.à r.l., both wholly-owned subsidiaries of Commerz Real AG, put investors’ capital in these investments as a German capital management company and as a Luxembourg management company respectively and invest capital where it can have a major impact.

Zu sehen ist eine Illustration mit schematischer Darstellung eines Solarfelds, neben einer Offshore Windanlage und einem Feldweg mit Fahrradfahrerin

The principle

An ecosystem of values

We are not only guided by potential returns. Our goal is to drive a profitable and at the same time future-proof economy forward. This includes the responsible use of our resources – and the transition to renewable energies. That’s why we are already investing in assets that are indispensable to a more sustainable future.

As an expert in sustainable tangible assets, our renewables portfolio provides a skilful mix of established and innovative technologies on the market, from wind power in Finland to agricultural photovoltaics in Berlin and solar energy in Spain. In this way, we specifically promote the expansion of plants that generate renewable energies – and invest in values with a future.

This also benefits us as a society by ensuring a sustainable living environment, as well as our investors through long-term and stable development.

Key facts


Photovoltaics in our funds


Years of renewables experience

1,6 GW

Total rated output of the portfolio


Wind power plants in our funds


Funds focusing on renewables

€ 3.5 bn

Assets under management

As at: 01/07/2024

Our renewable funds

Our renewables speak for themselves

The renewable energies asset class: promising and innovative. 10 solar and wind farms as well as 7 project developments. This is the renewable energy portfolio of Commerz Real.

5 renewable highlights from our funds

klimaVest: Luftaufnahme des Windparks ToutVent
Zu sehen ist der Windpark Veja Mate vor der deutschen Nordseeküste
klimaVest: Luftaufnahme des Windparks Kuuronkallio im Sonnenlicht
Solarpark Tordesillas, Spanien
Real Estate
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commerz real renewables toutvent windpark.png


Tout Vent

The onshore wind farm Tout Vent near the Atlantic coast is Commerz Real’s entry in a new market – paving its way towards a more sustainable future, bit by bit.

Onshore wind farm
In Possesion
59 GWh of green electricity per year
commerz real renewables veja mate.png

North Sea

Veja Mate

The Veja Mate wind farm off the German coast is one of the largest offshore wind farms in the North Sea – and one of the most important assets in Commerz Real’s Renewables portfolio.
Offshore wind farm
In Possesion
402 MW of green electricity per year
commerz real renewables kannus windpark.png



The Kuuronkallio wind farm in western Finland generates 216 GWh of electricity per year, making a real impact – not only in the energy sector, but also in industry.

Onshore wind farm
In Possesion
216 GWh green electricity per year
commerz real renewables solarpark tordesillas.png



An important step forward: with the Tordesillas solar park, Commerz Real enters a new market and takes its renewables portfolio a decisive step forward.

Solar farm
In Possesion
72 GWh of green electricity per year

Types of use of our renewables

Zu sehen ist eine Illustration mit schematischer Darstellung eines Windparks

Onshore wind farm

Built on the mainland, onshore wind farms are among the most cost-effective types and key pillars of sustainable energy production. With numerous onshore wind farms in Germany and all over Europe, this type of use forms a stable basis in our renewables portfolio.

Zu sehen ist eine Illustration mit schematischer Darstellung eines Meeres mit Windkraftanlage und Boot

Offshore wind farm

Wind turbines on the open sea enable particularly effective energy production thanks to greater and more constant wind speeds. With projects such as Germany’s second largest offshore wind farm, Veja Mate, offshore is strongly represented in the Commerz Real portfolio.

Zu sehen ist eine Illustration mit schematischer Darstellung eines Photovoltaikparks


With photovoltaics, Commerz Real diversifies its types of use in the renewables sector in multiple ways. In addition to conventional solar parks, the Commerz Real portfolio also includes innovative technologies such as agri-photovoltaics, which provide new impetus and make renewables even more versatile and future-proof.

"We have been active in the renewable energy market for more than 18 years.

We have an edge when it comes to experience, and you can also see that in our team. We benefit from this both in terms of acquisitions and operations.”
Dr. Nicole Arnold
Member of the board

"We have been active in the renewable energy market for more than 18 years.

We have an edge when it comes to experience, and you can also see that in our team. We benefit from this both in terms of acquisitions and operations.”

FAQs on the topic of renewables

Which assets fall under renewables?

The asset class of renewables comprises properties from the renewable energy sector, such as wind, solar or hydro power plants. Most of the time, this involves the generation of electricity and heat, which are then fed into the public grid and passed on to households.

As investments in the infrastructure sector, renewables form part of the category of tangible asset investments. As a result, they have material intrinsic value, are independent of the stock market and are therefore subject to comparatively low fluctuations in value.

The renewables asset class can also include other areas of sustainable infrastructure, such as mobility (investments in sustainable transport infrastructure), gas transport and distribution or energy storage (storage capacities for electricity from renewable energies or so-called green hydrogen, for example).  

Which investment products does Commerz Real offer in the renewables sector?

With the product range offered by Commerz Real, both retail and institutional investors have the opportunity to invest in renewables: 

for retail investors, Commerz Real¹ launched the klimaVest fund in 2020. The ELTIF (European Long-Term Investment Fund) is the first impact fund focusing on tangible assets explicitly for retail investors. klimaVest currently has a fund portfolio of around {{kiassets}} assets from the solar park and wind farm sector, ranging from solar power plants in Spain to wind farms in Finland.

Institutional investors can invest in numerous onshore and offshore wind turbines as well as solar power plants with a total output of around 1,000 megawatts. In doing so, Commerz Real draws on many years of expertise in the field of tangible assets and renewable energies. We also develop individual solutions for institutional investors.

How does an investment in renewables work?

By investing in renewables, investors have the opportunity to actively promote the expansion of renewable energy facilities and thereby participate in a promising growth market at an early stage. In addition to direct investments via, for example, cooperative models, investors can also invest in several assets at the same time via investment funds.

To this end, the fund management uses the accumulated fund assets to maintain existing properties or to develop and implement new projects. The profits and income for investors are mainly derived from the sale of the electricity produced, which is often secured by means of long-term agreements.

¹ The management company is Commerz Real Fund Management S.à r.l., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Commerz Real AG.
² See also: [last visit on: 03/12/2024].